Sat Mar 27 08:28:46 2007 Paul Serice * Fixed a bug introduced in version 1.5.4 caused by not accounting for trailing null terminator in the block that holds the lines after converting EOLs. * Fixed a minor bug caused by not correctly testing for an open file before closing it. * 1.5.5 released. Sat Mar 27 01:23:47 2007 Paul Serice * Optimized inserting the lines converted by calgo_crlf_cxx. Instead of inserting one line at a time, I convert the entire block before inserting. * 1.5.4 released. Sat Mar 24 04:47:55 2007 Paul Serice * Use calgo_crlf_cxx to convert blocks of text into lines. This allows log_follow to read DOS, MAC, or UNIX text files without inserting "" strings. This means we can now link again with the real FLTK. * 1.5.3 released. Sun Mar 04 04:29:29 2007 Paul Serice * Upgraded to FLTK-1.1.7 except I changed the code for Fl_Text_Buffer in the Windows FLTK library so it will just skip '\r' characters instead of printing "". I think the correct solution is to change the log_follow code by replacing the block_reader class with a portable line_reader class, but I don't have time for that now, and this solution should be more efficient anyway. * 1.5.2 released. Thu Sep 16 22:41:40 2004 Paul Serice * Changed from C++ I/O streams to POSIX read() in order to build on Solaris. * 1.5.1 released. Mon Aug 30 11:54:28 2004 Paul Serice * Renamed dir_mtime_data::st_mtime to time_of_last_mod. It seems someone made stat()'s st_mtime a macro which conflicted with my use of the same string. * 1.5.0 released. Fri Jun 27 21:15:13 2003 Paul Serice * Changed the way text from files are loaded. The text is now treated as "old" immediately. * 1.4 released. Fri Jun 27 16:47:51 2003 Paul Serice * Added as a way to insert a carriage return at the bottom of the file regardless of where the cursor is currently located. The genesis for this feature is Matthew Simpson. * Added and to allow users to quickly jump to the end of the file and back without losing their place. This was also a feature request from Matthew Simpson. * 1.3.1 released. Fri Jun 27 03:20:34 2003 Paul Serice * Matthew Simpson had the idea to color-code new text and old text. * 1.3 released. Wed Jun 25 23:39:47 2003 Paul Serice * Matthew Simpson had the idea to allow carriage returns to be entered to break incoming text into portions that are easier to spot. * 1.2 released. Tue Jun 24 20:20:38 2003 Paul Serice * Changed the File->Open menu item to allow non-existing files to be "loaded." * 1.1 released. Mon Jun 23 23:03:33 2003 Paul Serice * 1.0 released.